A PEEK inside a Tinkered by Trunk Show
Hosted by the lovely Catriona Nixon in her beautiful home in Carnarvon WA. A fun night of friends, storytelling and fabulous finds! Rachael Steadman, co-founder of Tinkered by, was there to bring us in on the ride!
Tinkered by is all about the artists. We hope to kick poverty’s butt by using fashion and design. By creating new markets, we are fostering creativity and building sustainability - brighter futures.
We have rounded up an amazing collection of clever designs for the Australian market - and our Trunk Shows are proving to be a super fun way to get our product & brand out there! Each Tinkered by piece has a story to tell - and we do LOVE to tell it.
Trunk Shows provide the opportunity to touch, feel, try on and read a little about each of our products. Guaranteed you won’t be able to help but get a little bit of ‘happy’ when you discover the African goddess behind the piece in your hand. You can also explore the trail of creation, the transformation of the recycled, up-cycled or raw materials used to create our awesome pieces. There will be another ‘wow’ when you let your mind wander to the ingenuity, thought and time that has gone into each handmade piece. Because - YES! - every piece is absolutely and entirely handmade. With love. We are ALL about handmade.
Unique finds; Aren’t we all forever after something that is ‘just that little bit different’? You will find products made from ostrich egg and coconut shell, recycled glass, brass and aluminium, recycled paper, cow horn and bone, carved wooden bowls, sculpture and beads from fallen branches of the olive tree (dried for up to 7 years!), ceramics, cement bags and even the inner tube of tyres! We have a mix of jewellery, homewares, goodies for the kiddies and bags - plus a new range for the men arriving soon!
Using purchase power for good; Stylish women providing job creation, sustainability and independence through a unique shopping experience! We look good, feel good and DO good. What’s not to love?
Now for the plug; if you are dying to know how to get on board and host your very own Trunk Show, all you need to do is register your interest - GetInvolved , book a date, we’ll send you a trunk of goodies and an e-vite, and your on your way.
Freebies; Oops! I almost forgot a major plus: as a host, you’ll receive Tinkered by freebies of your choice for being so fabulous and if the freebies don’t saturate your Tinkered by retail urges, you’ll get to shop at half price!
New Direction; Tinkered by is about to launch an exciting new branch to the business.
We want to empower women in East Africa and Australia. Tinkered by is growing into a social selling business model that uses fashion and design to create economic opportunities. Australian women can launch their own flexible and independent businesses by becoming a Tinkered by ‘Stylist’. Tinkered by stylists will be creating markets within their communities = empowerment to Artisans within their communities - A double bang!
Becoming a Tinkered by Stylist is the perfect fit for women;
Contact us for further information on becoming a Tinkered by ‘Stylist’ or hosting a Trunk Show in your home or office environment. Live Bright! Kate x
An evening with friends; Chatting and browsing, champagne in hand (does it get much better than that?) Whether you are simply an admirer or end up draped in Tinkered by fabulousness, I can guarantee you’ll want to share the story. And - let’s be honest here - that’s what it is about: like minded women styling themselves, their friends and getting behind the fabulous creators of the Tinkered by collection.
Unique finds; Aren’t we all forever after something that is ‘just that little bit different’? You will find products made from ostrich egg and coconut shell, recycled glass, brass and aluminium, recycled paper, cow horn and bone, carved wooden bowls, sculpture and beads from fallen branches of the olive tree (dried for up to 7 years!), ceramics, cement bags and even the inner tube of tyres! We have a mix of jewellery, homewares, goodies for the kiddies and bags - plus a new range for the men arriving soon!
Using purchase power for good; Stylish women providing job creation, sustainability and independence through a unique shopping experience! We look good, feel good and DO good. What’s not to love?
A few laughs; Rachael Steadman, co-founder of Tinkered by. Love this woman!!! |
New Direction; Tinkered by is about to launch an exciting new branch to the business.
- who want to earn some extra dollars while having the flexibility to be a mum, a grand mum, a student, a hard working woman that wants a bit of part-time extra;
- who need to love what they do and want to see the impact of their efforts;
- who love a story - and to tell one, given half the chance;
- with style & flair and who like to be creative every now and again.
- who want to be apart of something a little bit bigger; something meaningful.
- who love the idea of ethical fashion and understand that every purchase made in this world has a voice;
- who love champagne (!!!) socializing with friends and shopping unique finds from around the world (because we will be spreading the love beyond East African soon enough!).
Rach you look hot!